Monday, August 5, 2013

On Friendship by Sri Manoj Das

Faith and Friendship in the Age of Changing Values

We present a talk delivered by eminent writer Mr. Manoj Das on 24th Oct. 2011 in a symposium organised jointly by Lucknow Oriya Samaj and Lucknow Management Association at Lucknow.
My esteemed   friend   Sri   G.B   Pattnaik, esteemed friends on the Dias and dear and kind listeners. Among you there are so many potent people. I am sure this kind of audience is accustomed to very sophisticated topics- be it humanistic, scientific, technological or otherwise. The topic on which we decided today i.e. myself and Mr. Pattnaik was to initiate a thinking process; may be a very simplistic one. In fact, my limitation is that I am not an academic scholar. As a creative writer and particularly as I live in an ashram, I have received numerous queries from my readers and even people who are not my readers. One of the frequent observations I came across is this-"Today We cannot believe anybody. How to live in this world? How to communicate our feelings? The sum and substance of hundreds of such observations is that we do not find a single sympathetic heart" So when Mr. Pattnaik asked me as to what subject I must speak, I gave him a list of few topics. He chose the topic and the subject was such that communication has been at a very intimate level. What surprised me in an unpleasant way & inspired me to choose the topic is the brief talk of Mr. Pattnaik we just had. I have almost forgotten to thank him for the profound introduction he gave about me. I am overwhelmed by the organization, the display of my books. I do not know in what words I should thank him or express my gratitude.

Depression, current scenario:

Now coming onto the subject some of us would definitely remember the month of July 2011 wherein a survey report conducted by UNESCO was published. The headlines were depressing as the survey shows that India is the most depressed country in the world with a colossal 36% of men and women suffering from this ailment.
I was stunned dramatically because this is the country where the first cure of depression was initiated by lord Krishna when Arjuna suffered from 'Vishada Yoga'. When Arjuna was victim of melancholy and depression, Krishna cured him particularly of this melancholic psychological state by making him aware of his 'Swadharma' or 'the inner law of his being'.
 Naturally the survey was restricted to urban areas and not to the 'rustic' or the Village India' and the 36% reported would be definitely more as many do not like to confess that they are depressed. The critics ascertain that. The reported number is no doubt a colossal one. While travelling yesterday we were discussing that earlier when there was a problem facing somebody, people could communicate it to a closed circle of relatives, friends, family and the problem dissipated. Others only needed to psychologically come in and bear parts of the burn or crisis which had befallen on the individual.
However, today that is not just possible because we are not certain who is friend today? It is a big question and we suffer from many paradoxes. I can hardly list them because we belong to the extreme sensitive class of the society. Though we have got elegant buildings, we have broken wounds inside. We have got great speed but we do not have any time for a little bit of introspection, meditation or leave apart little humanity. We have got all the amenities, technological inventions, still we have anxiety and tension haunting us from one moment to another. The list is very long and we have got many acquaintances be it of professional obligations, vocational demands, associations, international federations, clubs and partnerships.
Fifty or hundred years ago that was not the case. We managed to have numerous acquaintances but very few friends. Yet friendship is the oldest human institution, next the family and then the world. Today when I hear people saying - "How to have faith in everything?" I find it awfully hurt. However I do not openly say to that individual as he or she may get hurt. But do we analyze and see? 'Has having faith become something alien to us?' 'Can we live more a moment without the basis of faith in our life?'
Today you have come here with the faith that I might speak something sensible. I am here with a faith that I will get a sympathetic listening/hearing to my words. Every step I take is with the sub-conscious faith that the Earth will not give a way. Every morsel of food I take, I take with the faith that it is digested and it is not dangerous for me. Every moment we breathe faith. The very first cry a child gives the moment it is born, is a proclamation of its faith that there are kind hearted souls around it who take it up to nurture it & sustain it. It is nature's inbuilt intuitive faith implanted in a child that expresses itself as its first cry to announce to the world that it has come. Then there is faith which is inside a family. The relationship based on faith gradually expands when a person grows up. It manifests as friends.
One of the oldest relationships in the world is that of friendship. In Ancient India there is a famous quote on real friends-
"Utsave Vyasane Chaiba,
 Durbhikshye Rashtrabiplabe
 RajadwareShmashane Cha
Jah TisthatiSah Vandhabah.."

Friendship: Through ages

We have a classic example of the friendship of Shri Krishna & Sudama's friendship - a friendship which does not differentiate between a prince and a pauper. The idea that friendship is greater than kinship is demonstrated by the intriguing yet impressive character of Kama (The Epic Mahabharata). Though he knew that he was the blood related brother of the Pandavas, yet his friendship with Duryodhana (Kaurava Prince) is much greater than this relationship to which he adhered. In the western world we also have an example of friendship. It is a very wonderful thing. Whether in east or west, the institution of friendship has been given high merits since time immemorial. In the old Greek legends we find the story of Dmon and Pithius. Dmon and Pithius were two friends. Dinocius was a tyrant. One fine day got disgusted with dmon for some reason and passed an order for his execution. He was to be killed in the open court. Dmon stood up and said, "My lord, I don't mind being killed. Just allow me a weeks time. I will go to my distant village, will be a good boy to my wife, my children, friends & come back before the week is over." Dinocius laughs and says, "you believe that I will allow you to go back to your village and you will give me a slip." Dmon replies saying, "I am a man of truth". Dinocius tells him that he could go for a week provided somebody else would have to take his place and pledge himself for him with his life.
Dmon had few friends and among them one was Pithius. Pithius comes forward and says, "I will take his place in the custody". Dinocius warns him to be aware of the prospective reality that dmon might not return back. Further the moment the 7th day was over and the 8th day sun arose, he would be executed. Pithius said, 'Agreed! My friend will never betray my faith.' So Dmon was allowed to go home and Pithius was locked up. Days passed in this manner. On the 8th day as the sun rose Dinocius visits the lock up to see Pithius crying. In those days the rulers had very few work to do. So Dinocius says,' now you realize that your friend has betrayed you! You are now crying for your life.' 'My lord! You would never understand the value of these tears. These tears are the tears of gratitude to the divine that somehow he has prevented my friend from coming so that I can sacrifice myself for that noble life. These are great tears of gratitude'. Dinocius is snuffed. Just as everything was ready for execution orders to be executed someone shouted from afar- "please wait!" In those days execution was a public festivity though in some countries it is so today also. Dmon was seen to have come back. He was crying. He embraced his friend and said, 'How grateful I am to providence that I am able to come. I was prevented with a terrible flood in the river. No boat was available; so I had to swim across the breadth of the river. Sol was late. But I am lucky to find you!" Pithius hugged him and said, 'how unlucky I was to not have been able to sacrifice my life for you.' Dinocius was observing the whole situation. He comes forward, bows to both and says,' please! Accept me as the third member of your small circle of friendship'.

The betrayal story of Brutus:

This was an example of friendship in the western world. That is of Julius Caesar and Brutus. I don't mean to elaborate it but he was murdered by his people, his senators. He had hardly believed that Brutus could be one of the conspirators because as Shakespeare puts it- Brutus was his angel. It was certainly not Caesar's personality and neither those who killed him were professional murderers. They were a nervous lot.
Had Julius Caesar shouted at that moment, market people, his bodyguards would have rushed in and protected him. But what disillusioned him was the fact that when he looked for Brutus-he could not understand what was happening. He was stabbed. He looked into the eyes of Brutus while searching for assistance and in a shock saw the dagger in his hand. And then you know the famous words - "ET TUTE BRUTUS! Meaning' you too! Brutus!' What is life  then?   If   my best friend can do that to me, is   this   life worth   living?
We   are   just speculating. This must have been    the terrible   mood of Caesar when he   allowed himself to be stabbed. As Mark Antonio expresses beautifully,' the day turning the devil'. People have come gathered around Caesar's body and Mark Antonio was sewing the wounds of Caesar. He was actually not present but bluffing.
But the wonderful expression of emotion and drama shown by Shakespeare takes a hold when Mark Antonio points to a drop of blood on the chest of Caesar and says,' look at this blood clot! This blood comes out to determine what Brutus meant'. This blood must have come out of Caesar to resolve that it was indeed Brutus who was holding the dagger. Blood would   have anyhow come out but it was the melodramatic way of Shakespeare to show the overwhelming expression that must have grasped Caesar at the moment Brutus stabbed him. Till today there are many people who have not pardoned Brutus. The author of the book' A passage to India says, "If I would have been Brutus, I would not have it." Friendship is an institution older than all political institutions. Be it monarchy, dictatorship, socialism or democracy, friendship recedes all institutions. Hence friendship is much more sacred for me and I wouldn't have done what Brutus did."

Present condition of man

So what has happened to us? How is that we have been deprived of this sense of 'Swdharma’ within us. To briefly mention that from the primitive times the consciousness in man was just like that of a primitive animal. Just as animals are rival to each other, primitive man saw their companions as rivals. By the end of crude physical age, the emotional age came in where vitality dominated over our life or activity. Hundreds of years back when culture found a boost emotionally, we wrote epics, poetry. We painted, we sculpted! The 'Ragas' and 'Raginis' were created. All these things required a receptivity and a sympathetic response. Friendship is one of the manifestations which bind humans in a great cultural upsurge. The age of emotion was over and mind gave the footnote. Mind was with its properties like wit, intelligence & rational faculty. There was again a reversal to primitive type. Rationally we were inclined to perform or decide whatever we would do. Emotions had hardly a place. We are at the end of that rational age today and automatically there is that emotional element in us which is the basis of human friendship, a friendship which does not depend in give and take. A friendship is thus an autonomous expression of one's goodwill behind which there is a truth of supreme oneness. We are one in many facets. But somehow we are not able to comprehend that everybody belongs to us and everybody is one with us.
So nature sees to it that at least that particular trait is manifested through any relation with few people or maintained, okay, mind has done whatever it could do. The ages of mind has come to a condition, a brink of the mental stage in evolution. In fact we are passing through what Sri Aurobindo calls- ‘An evolutionary crisis!' Unless a new consciousness comes and takes hold of the present imperfectness, dark is the human consciousness. When we can't recover many of the old institutions including that of friendships, we are destined to feel more and more lonely. And more adverse insensibility is the fact that the more depressed one feels, the more there is no cure. But it can be turned into a blessing. If we go back to the oldest discovery that there is within us a 'Swadharma' which once discovered doesn't let us down. It does not allow us to suffer from depression and melancholy because the loner is individuals own friend, his own inner self which is the divine principle. Isn't it time for Indians to think, re-think of the greatest offering made to them by the divine consciousness once upon a time.

 The story of Sohrab and Rustam

In human relationships we have to remember two things basically. One is when I say things I can assure you that I am not speaking theory and not saying an idea in which I have no complete faith. First is that life is not limited to two states. I am not bracketed by a date of birth and a date of death and they are not my limitations. Rebirth is a fact of life and death is a fact of life in the sense that it is a transition from one life to another. Secondly, the basic continuity is a goal, an ultimate goal or complete realization of truth or divine realization or whatever name we call it has to be achieved. It was George Santiago who said that little knowledge is dangerous, then where is the man who is out of danger. Now we all belong to that. We are the sixth intelligence of that globe of ignorance and in that ignorance nature uses these human relationships in a negative way to make descent in our self some values. False values guide our life. Our motivations are very puny, limited and some kind of success we seek in the ultimate analysis has no meaning. I am giving you an example of your high school days where you must have read the story of, 'Sohrab and Rustam'. It is a Persian drama 'Shahnama' written by Firdausi, which is a historical event. Rustam was man of great valour and courage, the greatest among the men in that sub-continent. Once upon a time he was a legend. He told his king, the king of Iran that as it was peaceful time he wanted to travel across the friendly countries and his own country. As he was the king's cousin the king bade him away. But on the way he fell sick and in a small chieftain's palace he took rest. The chieftain had a lovely daughter Pakhmina who fell in love with Rustam who was the mightiest of the mighty and they got married. One day there was a war between Iran and some other country and the king's messenger came to ask Rustam to report immediately in the capital.
At that time Pakhmina was with a child. So Rustam left her a talisman like ornament with an advice in case she bears a son, the talisman must be tied to the arm of his son when he would become a teenager. In case a daughter was born, it should be forgotten. That was in the old world and Rustam went away. Pakhmina knew that Rustam would never remember her again. She had it live with the child born to her and it was a son. When Rustam's messenger came to determine whether it was a boy or girl he was lied that a baby girl was born. So the messenger went away. Rustam never remembered Pakhmina again. The child called Sohrab was fed with the stories of Rustam's valour and the day his mother revealed to him, it was excitement to him. He wanted to prove to his father that he was equal in strength and courage to him. So he trained himself in the art of war. In those days the principal allegiances of the kingdoms, their principalities often changes. Now even Sohrab's maternal grandfather was against Iran and in due time there was a war to commence. So Sohrab along with the chieftain's army went to the war. Rustam at the same time had some differences with his cousin, the king of Iran and was sulking away from the capital. At Sohrab's instigation the king of Iran was sent a challenge that instead of the war being fought, a hero was supposed to be chosen from both the sides and let there was a combat between the, two, whoever wins his side would be declared the winner or victorious. It was a question of prestige to deny this. Iran admitted that it had no heroes as Rustam was not there. Only Rustam could take such a challenge. At last on much request and for the sake of the country Rustam agreed to fight against this unknown warrior on the condition that the identity that he was Rustam would not be told to anyone. So he fought for the country under a pseudo name. Sohrab was expecting that Rustam would definitely come. Rustam thought that he could anguish the unknown young man in five minutes. However hours passed and he realised that the young warrior is equal to him. Rustam felt disgusted and shouted to himself as to what had come upon him. The moment the word Rustam was uttered, for a second, Sohrab stopped surprised. That very moment Rustam's spear pierced his chest and he fell down dead. Sohrab asked to all to not be under the impression that Rustam had killed him but it was the name   of the father. Rustam puzzled asks-father's name? Rustam had so son   as   told. However Sohrab   said that   it   was what     he believed and it was     the outcome of his mother's foolishness. He unrolled his sleeves and reveled the talisman which Rustam had left with  Pakhmina.   Now Rustam observed the similarity between the boys and his own features. Taking the head of his boy he sat there. Time passed and the boy breathed his last. All his life Rustam had nurtured the values of victory, conquest, revenge and vanquishing others. In one single second and all the values had collapsed upside down. Just as Caesar had valued friendship and was disjointed, so also in a moment Rustam was decent red. How nature tries to promote our values through our discernment when man is lost under the crust of ignorance and ego is evident here.

Nature, A play of Forces:

Friendship today is also possible provided we return the faith we receive from others. No human being is a single personality. When we are kind to someone we are true at the moment and one is unaware what world with topple over the next moment. I don't know for unless someone has some occult knowledge, one believes that one is acting, one is not really acting. Now I didn't intend to elaborate but I will just give an example. One day a young man comes to a mystic and says that he has something bad in him. And doesn't know what to do with it. The mystic asks him what he has, to which he answers that he has a lot of anger in him. But the mystic never said anything. For an hour he discussed everything like weather, this and that... Suddenly he asked the young man to show him what he has, to which the young man replies that he has a money purse, a fountain pen and a handkerchief. Then the mystic enquires the young man that there was something else - the anger in him and must be shown. When the young man fails to show it, remember it or call it the mystic says that how can he have anger even when he can’t call or possess or summon it at will. The mystic said that this was also the way his fathers and forefathers must have been. In the words of the mystic. 'Anger has an universal vibration'. It invades you because you are open to it. By the example I meant that hardly we are aware that our contacts are molded by the influences known or unknown, conscious or unconscious, physical or infraphysical. So when one is kind to you he may be true. But you can never predict what he will be the next moment. The wisest thing to do is to let into the source of kindness, the inward source from which all kindness, mercy, understanding, sympathy and friendship comes. And that is the divine. When I start I revise my attitude. I take my friend as one who can scrutinize his views. One who can do what he wishes to do, who can think what he wishes to think. I know that my desires are controlled by hundreds of factors around, I feel grateful to the very source from which the kindness came because I needed it. Nature has so ordained that a mother will sacrifice her life for the sake of her child. As time passes the same mother expect the child to show different norms and different kinds of behaviour. We cant hold anybody responsible for it. These are the laws of nature through which we have to grow. And my dear friends, we should not be under the false impression that faith is not there. We have to reorient our attitude. We remember all experiences. Whether good or bad in the ultimate analysis it helps to proceed towards the ultimate goal.
 A positive attitude:

Very simply speaking our attitude to the tragedies of life, the heaviness of life must change. We remember tragic instances because we take heaviness for granted. If there are seven days of rainy weather and the 8th day is a sunny one, look! What a sunny day! is our remark. But the hundreds of days the sun was there we don't take any cognizance of it. We recognize heaviness more than happiness. But when our attitude changes, things also become different. In reality tragedy is also a contribution to my consciousness. I will conclude with a small child's beautiful remark. A little girl had a toy. Once the toy was broken and the little girl was praying to god to repair her toy. Her elder brother laughed at her for being stupid and told her that god would never come to repair the toy and so there was no need of praying. The little girl however had strong faith that god would respond. Both of them went to sleep when the night fell. Early in the morning the boy got up first and saw the toy lying broken as it is. He woke the girl and made fun of her that god did not respond and the toy was still broken. The girl very calmly said," god came. He said that I have passed the stage of playing with dolls." This is what is the meaning of true faith. Faith is very much inn us. It is a question of activating it. There are many friends but the ultimate is he from whom all goodness comes through our human friends. The moment we change our attitude our problems to a great extent become simpler and smooth.

Closing Note

Ladies and gentlemen, it has been very kind of you to give me a patient hearing. Thank you so much. I extend my thanks to the management, associates, and of course, Lucknow Oriya Samaj. I know G.B. Pattnaik, whom I see as my younger brother and dear friend & who has brought me here wouldn't like me to thank him, I still came here at his calling. And finally I thank you all.

(Transcription by: Jayant Mishra,Research Scientist, Genetech Labs, Lucknow.)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lersnings from Readers Digest - September-2012

* According to researchers , most kids don't understand gender until the age of Seven .

* Anxious after sending a password via e-mail US entrepreneur Jacob Robbins created Burn Note a website that lets the sender set a time frame in which an e-mail can be read by a recipient .( I opened my account to test its authenticity and it is !)

* No one had tried to understand what the real problem was , but my principal had done it with her simple act of just listening to me with such attention and caring .

* Don't judge people by their appearance , not even by some of their words .

*Any task can be tackled if you focus on the immediate action to be taken . The rest will take care of itself , if you keep at it One Step at a time . That is the secret .

Monday, February 7, 2011

On Relation with grand Parents

A final letter to Grandpa

Often, during my morning walks in the park, I can see a man in his 80s walking with his grandchild. The sight reminds me of my grandfather, who used to walk me in the same park when I was a child. An ideal grandpa, his presence made my childhood beautiful. 

Like any other child, I used to love listening to stories. And my constant refrain was for one 'that never ended'. Finally, one day he told me the story of a bird which picks up a grain of wheat a day from a granary in a village, adding that it would take years for the stock to finish and till then, the story would continue. That was the end of my persistence! 

He had kept the child within him alive and every Saturday, when we visited the Hanuman temple, he would cajole me to have a plate at the panipuri stall. If I refused, he would tease me, "Oh, don't behave like an old lady!" At 86, when his health started to fail, I would go alone to the temple and, passing by, could see visions of both of us laughing over plates of panipuri. 

He believed in doing his bit towards social work, which invited a fair amount of admiration, as well as criticism. Disturbed at the wagging tongues, I asked him once how he remained calm. He replied, "In every field, there are critics and admirers. But, if you are true to yourself, you needn't bother about these things." 

He knew how to deal with children. While he never liked pets in the house, I loved puppies and when I was four years old, brought an abandoned pup back from the basketball ground. The next day, I fed him in our garden and left for school. When I returned, the pup was no longer there. When I asked grandpa, instead of scolding me, he simply answered that, "his father came to take him away". 

He was extremely particular about his exercise and daily schedule. He woke up early and went for his walk at 5:30 am, following the same route and returning at exactly the same time everyday. The routine was kept up even in the monsoons, when he took an umbrella along for company. Often, I went along too on these walks, where he kept me involved by quizzing me on spellings, capitals of places, riddles, etc. 

Once I reached second standard, I began writing a letter to grandpa every year on his birthday. He would read my letters with a smile. When I was in tenth standard, I gave him a gift, but he said he would prefer to receive a letter like each year. So, I continued. He, however, never commented and I sometimes wondered what he thought of my letter. 

He died at the age of 87. When he left us, dad decided to open an old suitcase, which belonged to grandpa and occupied a pride of place on his table. Along with important documents, in the safest pouch, dad found an envelope. He opened it and called me to take a look. When I looked inside, I found all the letters I had ever written to grandpa kept in sequence and well-maintained. There wasn't a single fold on the pages and even the first letter, which was 15 years old, was intact. 

Tears welled up in my eyes. For a long time, I was overwhelmed. Thanks, grandpa, for giving me memories I will cherish all my life. 
Source: Times Of India
(If you have any soul-stirring experiences to share, do write in at

Read more: A final letter to Grandpa - The Times of India

Sunday, January 30, 2011

India plans to extend RTE Act upto +2 levels |
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India plans to extend RTE Act upto +2 levels
The government would paddle the next cycle after successful implementation of the current programme under RTE
Published on 01/25/2011 - 12:44:36 PM
By Jay P Gupta

New Delhi: The Government of India was considering extending the Right to Education up to secondary school levels from the existing class 8 levels to check dropout rates as well as youth unemployment, Human Resources Development Minister Kapil Sibal said here on Tuesday.

“The idea is still in its nursery stage and after successful implementation of the current programme to provide free education to children in the age group of 6-14 under RTE, the government would paddle the next cycle,” Sibal said.

He said statistics show that 60 per cent of the children who begin classes from primary level dropout after completing class 8 and it was resulting in creation of huge lot of unemployed youths. It has its repercussions in many forms which were detrimental for the youths and society as well.

During the extended period, the students would also be imparted vocational training besides the regular secondary level teaching so that after coming out of the school they could get livelihood, he added.

Since education upto class 8 levels for all children has now been made a constitutional right ;suitable amendments would be made in the RTE Act  it to work it upto secondary levels, Sibal added.

He said the government was committed to implement the RTE Act in its true spirit and to extend the facilities to all the unprivileged children, the government was planning to open schools in small places where even a population of 500 people existed.

Sibal  was speaking at a function organised by the UNICEF to mark the release of a Unicef map representing the collective voice of more than two lakh Awaaz Do champions speaking up for the eight million children in the country who are currently out of school.

"There are eight million children who need to be provided a discrimination free, inclusive education. RTE provides for equitable and quality education. The Awaaz Do campaign helps ensure it.Let us be part of it,” Sibal said.

The campaign was launched by UNICEF three months ago to raise awareness for the Right To Education Act and to build support for its full implementation across the country.

The Act guarantees free and compulsory education for every child six to fourteen years old regardless of caste, religion or background.

The map of India presented to the Minister includes a graphic representation of geographical spread of Awaaz Do champions who who have pledged their support. It shows how people from towns and cities in the farthest corners of the country have come together to voice their support for the RTE.

The campaign uses the Internet, social networking and mobile technologies to mobilize and empower supporters to become actively engaged in discussions and debates.

Speaking on the occasion Unicef India Deputy Representative David McLoughlin said."We need to continue to build on this tremendous momentum and commitment in support of the campaign across the country. We all have to do our bit to make sure that the rights enshrined in the legislation becomes the reality for every child in India."

Monday, January 10, 2011

All village panchayats to have broadband by 2012

Avnish Jolly  
View profile  
 More options Jan 10, 8:32 pm
All village panchayats to have broadband by 2012 
The network will be provided by the government and it will be the 
responsibility of village panchayats to run, maintain and properly 
utilise it 
Published on 01/07/2011 
New Delhi: All 250,000 village panchayats in the country will be 
connected with broadband by mid-2012 under a US $4 billion project to 
take the benefits of technology to the poor, tech evangelist Sam 
Pitroda said on Friday. 
"I can assure you that in 18 months every village panchayat will have 
broadband. It will significantly change the way we deal with people in 
villages," Pitroda, who also serves as the Prime Minister's Advisor on 
Innovation, told a diaspora convention here, reports IANS. 
The network will be provided by the federal government and it will be 
the responsibility of village panchayats to run, maintain and properly 
utilise it, he said. "Each panchayat will employ two people. They will 
be paid by the panchayats." 
Some 100,000 village panchayats already have broadband connectivity in 
India that not only ensures faster communications but also allows 
applications like tele-medicine, timely weather forecasts and remote 
consultations on crops, soil, nutrients and marketin

Scams in Inida -Amazing Facts

 Friends! this article has been circulated by unknown creator in different e-groups . Just enjoy . But for authentication please refer to exact datas.

Republic Of Scams 
Total Scam Money (approx) Since 1992:  

Rs. 73000000000000 Cr.
(73 Lakh Crore)

Hard to digest ? 
Just check the below given details

1992 -Harshad Mehta securities scam Rs 5,000 cr

1994 -Sugar import scam Rs 650 cr

1995 -Preferential allotment scam Rs 5,000 cr
Yugoslav Dinar scam Rs 400 cr
Meghalaya Forest scam Rs 300 cr

1996: -Fertiliser import scam Rs 1,300 cr
Urea scam Rs 133 cr
Bihar fodder scam Rs 950 cr

1997 -Sukh Ram telecom scam Rs 1,500 cr
SNC Lavalin power project scam Rs 374 cr
Bihar land scandal Rs 400 cr
C.R. Bhansali stock scam Rs 1,200 cr

1998 -
Teak plantation swindle Rs 8,000 cr

2001 -UTI scam Rs 4,800 cr
Dinesh Dalmia stock scam Rs 595 cr
Ketan Parekh securities scam Rs 1,250 cr

2002 -Sanjay Agarwal Home Trade scam Rs 600 cr

2003 -
Telgi stamp paper scam Rs 172 cr

2005 -
IPO-Demat scam Rs 146 cr
Bihar flood relief scam Rs 17 cr
Scorpene submarine scam Rs 18,978 cr

2006 - Punjab 's City Centre project scam Rs 1,500 cr,
Taj Corridor scam Rs 175 cr

2008 -Pune billionaire Hassan Ali Khan tax default Rs 50,000 cr
The Satyam scam Rs 10,000 cr
Army ration pilferage scam Rs 5,000 cr
The 2-G spectrum swindle Rs 60,000 cr
State Bank of Saurashtra scam Rs 95 cr
Illegal monies in Swiss banks, as estimated in 2008 Rs 71,00,000 cr

2009: -The Jharkhand medical equipment scam Rs 130 cr
Rice export scam Rs 2,500 cr
Orissa mine scam Rs 7,000 cr
Madhu Koda mining scam Rs 4,000 cr"

SC refuses to quash PIL against Mayawati in Taj corridor scam
Orissa mine scam could be worth more than Rs 14k cr 

CORRUPTION, MONEY LAUNDERING SCAM, Koda discharged from hospital, arrest imminent
'A Cover-Up Operation': 
"It's a scam involving close to Rs 60,000 crores"
Spectrum scam: How govt lost Rs 60,000 crore
India's biggest scams 1, Ramalinga Raju, Rs. 50.4 billion
India's biggest scams 2, Harshad Mehta, Rs. 40 billion
India's biggest scams 3, Ketan Parekh, Rs. 10 billion
India's biggest scams 4, C R Bhansali, Rs.. 12 billion
India's biggest scams 5, Cobbler scam
India's biggest scams 6, IPO Scam
India's biggest scams 7, Dinesh Dalmia, Rs. 5.95 billion
India's biggest scams 8, Abdul Karim Telgi, Rs. 1.71 billion
India's biggest scams 9, Virendra Rastogi, Rs. 430 million
India's biggest scams 10, The UTI Scam, Rs. 320 million
India's biggest scams 11, Uday Goyal, Rs. 2.1 billion
India's biggest scams 12, Sanjay Agarwal, Rs. 6 billion
India's biggest scams 13, Dinesh Singhania, Rs. 1.2 billion

1, Jeep Purchase (1948) :- Free India's corruption graph begins. V. K. Krishna Menon, then the Indian high commissioner to Britain , bypassed protocol to sign a deal worth Rs 80 lakh with a foreign firm for the purchase of army jeeps. The case was closed in 1955 and soon after Menon joined the Nehru cabinet.

2, Cycle Imports (1951) :- S.A. Venkataraman, then the secretary, ministry of commerce and industry, was jailed for accepting a bribe in lieu of granting a cycle import quota to a company.

3, BHU Funds (1956) :- In one of the first instances of corruption in educational institutions, Benaras Hindu University officials were accused of misappropriation of funds worth Rs 50 lakh.

4, MUNDHRA SCANDAL (1957):- It was the media that first hinted there might be a scam involving the sale of shares to LIC, Feroz Gandhi sources the confidential correspondence between the then Finance Minister T.T. Krishnamachari and his principal finance secretary, and raised a question in Parliament on the sale of 'fraudulent' shares to LIC by a Calcutta-based Marwari businessman named Haridas Mundhra. The then Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, set up a one-man commission headed by Justice M.C.Chagla to investigate the matter when it becomes evident that there was a prima facie case. Chagla concluded that Mundhra had sold fictitious shares to LIC, thereby defrauding the insurance behemoth to the tune of Rs. 1.25 crore. Mundhra was sentenced to 22 years in prison. The scam also forced the resignation of T.T.Krishnamachari.

6, Teja Loans (1960):- Shipping magnate Jayant Dharma Teja took loans worth Rs 22 crore to establish the Jayanti Shipping Company. In 1960, the authorities discovered that he was actually siphoning off money to his own account, after which Teja fled the country.

7, Kairon Scam (1963):- Pratap Singh Kairon became the first Indian chief minister to be accused of abusing his power for his own benefit and that of his sons and relatives. He quit a year later.

8, Patnaik's Own Goal (1965) :- Orissa Chief Minister Biju Patnaik was forced to resign after it was discovered that he had favoured his privately-held company Kalinga Tubes in awarding a government contract.

9, Maruti Scandal (1974) :- Well before the company was set up, former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's name came up in the first Maruti scandal, where her son Sanjay Gandhi was favoured with a license to make passenger cars.

10, Solanki Exposé (1992) :- At the World Economic Forum, Madhavsinh Solanki, then the external affairs minister, slipped a letter to his Swiss counterpart asking their government to stop the probe into the Bofors kickbacks. Solanki resigned when India Today broke the story.

11, Kuo Oil Deal (1976):- The Indian Oil Corporation signed an Rs 2.2-crore oil contract with a non-existent firm in Hong Kong and a kickback was given. The petroleum and chemicals minister was directed to make the purchase.

12, Antulay Trust (1981) :- With the exposure of this scandal concerning A.R. Antulay, then the chief minister of Maharashtra , The Indian Express was reborn. Antulay had garnered Rs 30 crore from businesses dependent on state resources like cement and kept the money in a private trust.

13, HDW Commissions (1987) :-
 HDW, the German submarine maker, was blacklisted after allegations that commissions worth Rs 20 crore had been paid. In 2005, the case was finally closed, in HDW's favour.

14, Bofors Pay-Off (1987) :- A Swedish firm was accused of paying Rs 64 crore to Indian bigwigs, including Rajiv Gandhi, then the prime minister, to secure the purchase of the Bofors gun.

15, St Kitts Forgery (1989) :- An attempt was made to sully V.P. Singh's Mr Clean image by forging documents to allege that he was a beneficiary of his son Ajeya Singh's account in the First Trust Corp. at St Kitts, with a deposit of $21 million.

16, Airbus Scandal (1990) :- Indian Airlines's (IA) signing of the Rs 2,000-crore deal with Airbus instead of Boeing caused a furore following the crash of an A-320. New planes were grounded, causing IA a weekly loss of Rs 2.5 crore.

17, Securities Scam (1992) :- Harshad Mehta manipulated banks to siphon off money and invested the funds in the stock market, leading to a crash. The loss: Rs 5,000 crore.

18, Indian Bank Rip-off (1992) :- Aided by M. Gopalakrishnan, then the chairman of the Indian Bank, borrowers-mostly small corporations and exporters from the south-were lent a total of over Rs 1,300 crore, which they never paid back.

19, Sugar Import (1994) :- As food minister, Kalpnath Rai presided over the import of sugar at a price higher than that of the market, causing a loss of Rs 650 crore to the exchequer. He resigned following the allegations.

20, MS SHOES SCAM (1994) :- Anyone who was old enough in 1994 to read will remember the advertisements- tens of them intriguingly headlined: 'Who is Pawan Sachdeva?' For the record, it was the peak of the public issues-led advertising boom and the ads were created by the Delhi branch of Re-diffusion. Sachdeva, the promoter of MS Shoes, allegedly used company funds to buy shares (of his own company) and rig prices, prior to a public issue. He is alleged to have colluded with officials in the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and SBI Caps, which lead-managed the issue, to dupe the public into investing in his Rs. 699-crore public-***-rights issue. Sachdeva was later acquitted

21, JMM Bribes (1995) :- Jharkhand Mukti Morcha leader Shailendra Mahato testified that he and three party members received bribes of Rs 30 lakh to bail out the P.V. Narasimha Rao government in the 1993 no-confidence motion.

22, In a Pickle (1996) :- Pickle baron Lakhubhai Pathak raised a stink when he accused former Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao and godman Chandraswami of accepting a bribe of Rs 10 lakh from him for securing a paper pulp contract.

23, Telecom Scam (1996) :- Former minister of state for communication Sukh Ram was accused of causing a loss of Rs 1.6 crore to the exchequer by favouring a Hyderabad- based private firm in the purchase of telecom equipment. He, along with two others, was convicted in 2002.

24, Fodder Scam (1996) :- The accountant general's concerns about the withdrawal of excess funds by Bihar's animal husbandry department unveiled a Rs 950-crore scam involving Lalu Prasad Yadav, then the state chief minister. He resigned a year later.

25, Urea Deal (1996) :- C.S. Ramakrishnan, MD, National Fertiliser, and a group of businessmen close to the P.V. Narasimha Rao regime fleeced the government and took Rs 133 crore from the import of two lakh tons of urea, which was never delivered.

26, Hawala Diaries (1996) :- The scandal surfaced following CBI raids on hawala operators in Delhi in 1991. But it was S.K. Jain's diaries that had heads rolling.

27, CRB SCAM (1997) :- Another scam forged by greed and discovered through accident. Chain Roop Bhansali, a smart-talking entrepreneur, created a pyramid financial empire based on high-cost financing. At its peak, his Rs. 1,000-crore financial conglomerate had in its ranks a mutual fund, a financial services company into fixed deposits, and a merchant bank. That Bhansali knew how to work the system became evident when he also managed to secure a provisional banking license. Then his luck ran out. An executive in the State Bank of India Inadvertently discovered that some interest warrants issued by Bhansali were not backed by cash. The bubble finally burst in May 1997, but by that time investors had lost over Rs. 1,000 crore. This was among the first retail scams in India and it was played out, in smaller avatars, across the country-especially in the South where financial services companies promised returns in excess of 20 per cent and decamped with the principal. Bhansali was arrested for a few weeks and released later on bail.

28, MEHTA'S SECOND COMING (1998) :- 
The Big Bull returned to the bourses. This time, he allegedly colluded with the promoters of BPL, Videocon International, and Sterile Industries to rig the share prices of these companies. The inevitable collapse happened sooner than planned, Harshad Mehta orchestrated a cover-up operation that included a high=jinks effort by officials of Bombay Stock Exchange to (illegally ) open the trading system in the middle of the night to set things right, but the damage had been done.. SEBI finally passed its ruling on the scam in 2001, banning the three companies concerned from tapping the market-BPL, for two years. Mehta was debarred for life form dealing in Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) in October 2001

29, VANISHING COMPANIES SCAM (1998) :- A passing remark heard by then Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram resulted in a furore over what was badly-kept secret on Dalal Street . Chidambaram was told that hundreds of companies had disappeared after raising moneys form the public. An informal scrutiny revealed that perhaps over 600 companies were missing. Chidambaram ordered a probe by SEBI. The SEBI probe conducted in May 1998 revealed that while many companies are not traded on the bourses at least 80 companies that had raised Rs.330.78 crore were simply missing. Later that year, the Department of Company Affairs (DCA) was asked to probe and penalize these companies. DCA still investigating. Investigations continue to this day.

 It was as innovative a swindle as any effected in the world. Savvy entrepreneurs convinced gullible investors that given the right to irrigation and fertilizer inputs, teak, strawberries, and anything else that could be grown, would grow anywhere in the country. The promoters could afford to collect money from investors and not worry about retribution (or returns, for that matter). For, plantation companies fell under the purview of neither SEBI nor Reserve Bank of India . Indeed, they didn't even come under the scope of the Department decided to change things in 1999, enough investors had been gullied: 653 companies, between them, had raised Rs. 2,563 crore from investors. To date, not many investors have got their principals back, just another affirmation of the old saying about "money not growing on trees".

31, Match Fixing (2000) :- Mohammed Azharuddin, till then India 's cricket captain, was accused of match-fixing. He and Ajay Sharma were banned from playing, while Ajay Jadeja and Manoj Prabhakar were suspended for five years.

32, KETAN PAREKH SCAM (2001) :- Ketan Parekh's modus operandi wasn't very different from Harshad Mehta's. If Mehta used banker's receipts, then Parekh used pay orders to ramp up the prices of his favourite scrips (the K-10). Apart from money form the banking system, Parekh also rerouted money from corporations like HFCL (Rs. 425 crore), and Zee (Rs. 340 crore) to good effect. He was caught when pay-orders issued by Madhavpura Mercantile Cooperative Bank bounced. Although the total amount involved in the scam was just Rs. 137 crores, the impact was far greater.

Apparently, when a bear cartel sensed Parekh was in trouble, it stepped in and leveraged a dip in the NASDAQ to bear down stock prices. The resultant slump in the markets happened soon after Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha presented what he considered his best budget ever. Under pressure from the government, SEBI investigated the scam and heads began to roll. Among them: the entire management team of BSE, including its president Anand Rathi, CSFB, First Global, and, in an indirect connection, P.S.Subramanyam, the Chairman of UTL Evidently, for the 18 months that PSS was Chairman of UTI, the Trust had mirrored the actions of the bull cartel. The result? When the market tanked, so did the NAV of its holy cow, the US-64.

33, Tehelka Sting (2001) :- Tehelka, an online news portal, used spyscams to catch army officers and politicians accepting bribes, in their sting operation called Operation Westend. Investigative journalism turned another corner in the country.

34, Stockmarket Scam (2001) :-
 The mayhem that wiped off over Rs 1,15,000 crore in the markets in March 2001 was masterminded by the Pentafour bull Ketan Parekh. He was arrested in December 2002 and banned from acccessing the capital market for 14 years.

35, Home Trade Scam (2002) :- Under the pretext of gilt trading, Rs 600 crore was swindled from over 25 cooperative banks in Maharashtra and Gujarat by a Navi Mumbai-based brokerage firm Home Trade. Sanjay Agarwal, CEO of the firm, was arrested in May 2002.

36, Stamp Paper Scam (2003) :- 
The sheer magnitude of the racket was shocking-it caused a loss of Rs 30,000 crore to the exchequer. Disclosures of the mastermind behind it, Abdul Karim Telgi, implicated top police officers and bureaucrats.

37, Oil-for-Food Scandal (2005) :- 
K. Natwar Singh was unceremoniously dropped from the Cabinet when his name surfaced in the Volcker Report on the Iraq oil-for-food scam.
What India Could Do With Rs 73 Lakh Crores?

Build: 2.4 crore primary healthcare centres. That’s at least 3 for every village, at a cost of Rs 30 lakhs each.

Build: 24.1 lakh Kendriya Vidyalayas at a cost of Rs 3.02 crores each, with two sections from Class VI to XII.

Construct: 14..6 crore low-cost houses assuming a cost of Rs 5 lakh per unit.
Set up: 2,703 coal-based power plants of 600 MW each. Each costs Rs 2,700 crores.

12 lakh CFL bulbs. That’s enough light for each of India ’s 6 lakhs villages

Construct: 14.6 lakh km of two-lane highways. That’s a road around India ’s perimeter 97 times over.

Clean up:
 50 major rivers for the next 121 years, at Rs 1,200 crores a river every year.

 90 NREGA-style schemes, each worth roughly Rs 81,111 crores.
Announce: 121 more loan waiver schemes. All of them worth Rs 60,000 crores.

Give: Rs 56,000 to every Indian. Even better, give Rs 1.82 lakh to 40 crore Indians living BelowPovertyLvel.

Hand out: 60.8 crore Tata Nanos to 60.8 crore people. Or four times as many laptops.

Grow the GDP:
 The scam money is 27% more than our GDP of Rs 53 lakh crore."

Saturday, December 25, 2010

We are What Our Father ate

London: Like father, like children. Yes, you're what your father eats, says a new study.
An international team has found that a father's diet while growing up can affect the future health of his offspring -- in fact, paternal diet influences lipid metabolising genes of his children, the 'Cell' journal reported.
In their study, researchers have discovered that a father's lifestyle can be passed down to his children because it "reprogrammes" his genes.
The study has shown the hereditary effects of a process called "epigenetics" which is how the environment and lifestyle can permanently alter people's genes as they grow up. These altered genes can then be passed on to children.
Dr Oliver Rando of University of Massachusetts Medical School, who led the team, said his research could help identify individuals at high risk of illness such as heart disease and diabetes.